On September 5th/2019 , a 1943 SuperMarine Spitfire on a RTW (‘Round the World Tour) made a stop at Kelowna Intl. airport. A few of us from the Flying Club flew down for the event.

The aircraft is a real eye-catcher with it’s beautifully polished aluminum restoration. The one-of-a-kind Rolls Royce V12 engine is a unique power plant and sounds magnificent. Their support crew arrived in a sharp looking Pilatus PC12.

The event culminated in a high-speed fly-by on their way to Williams Lake and Fort St.John, then on to Whitehorse, Alaska and Russia.

The Kelowna Flying Club provided a great venue and hosted some 400 visitors, and quite a number of fly-ins were all treated to a free barbecue lunch.

Check out the project at www.silverspitfire.com